Baby Momma Read online

Page 7

  “What’s wrong, baby, where are we?” She was lookin’ at me quizzically and I didn’t say a word, just looked at her blankly until I started to see fear slowly creep into her eyes. That’s what I wanted. I spoke very calmly and tried to hide the bulge that was startin’ to grow from the excitement of the moment and the control I had over her.

  “You love me.” I didn’t ask so much as say it like a statement.

  I saw her fear startin’ to ebb away.

  “You know I do, baby. Is everything okay?”

  I knew this area of town was secluded; the chances of anyone comin’ out here were pretty slim. Trees lined either side of the driveway that snaked up to the park entrance, and once you made it through the park’s gate it was almost like sittin’ in the middle of a forest. There were a few park benches and picnic tables underneath a wooden shelter and for the most part it was pretty much peaceful.

  “Come wit’ me.” I put my cell in the arm rest, shut off the engine, and opened my door. I could tell Honey wanted to say somethin’, ask for an umbrella, complain about gettin’ her Versace suit wet, but I just acted like it wasn’t rainin’ and waited for her to get out of the car, and she did with no further hesitation. I walked over, took her hand, and led her toward the picnic shelter with the picnic table under it. I picked Honey up and sat her on the edge of the table and stood between her legs. She could feel the heat from my dick strainin’ against my khakis right up against her flesh; leave it to a stripper to be in two-thousand-dollar threads and not have on any damn panties. I smiled to myself. As I leaned in to kiss her she already knew what was ’bout to go down. I grabbed the back of her hair and leaned her head back so I could have full access to her neck.

  She smelled like warm vanilla sugar and tasted just as sweet. I licked and sucked the rain from every inch of skin I had access to, from her collarbone upward to her earlobe, and was undoin’ my pants and pullin’ myself outta the slit in my boxers and khakis with my other hand. I stroked my dick for a second and let her hair go just long enough to roughly slide her ass closer to the edge of the table. I positioned myself and leaned forward, rubbin’ the head up and down the folds of her outer lips, teasin’ her pussy, slowly draggin’ her moisture upward and rubbin’ small circles ’round her clit.

  She was moaning in my ear now, nibbling my earlobe in between sayin’ my name. This was the only time she ever called me Rasheed. Any other time I was “baby” or “daddy” but when she really wanted it or when it was gettin’ extra good, she called me by my name. I was still feelin’ like I needed to remind her who she belonged to. Honey was about to get taught a new lesson.

  I could feel her clit swelling as I maintained a steady rhythm rubbin’ myself across it. Every time I’d slip lower like I was about to slide in, she’d hold her breath and close her eyes, but then I’d move back up and massage her clit some more with the head. I’d decided it’s time she learn about the pleasure of pain. I almost laughed as a brief memory flashed my mind back to a time when I tried to go there with Michelle. She wasn’t goin’ for it and I never tried again. It always bothered me just a li‘l that she could be so close-minded. But then I said to myself, well that’s part of the reason I’m fuckin’ with Honey now.

  Lightnin’ split the sky open and for a split second I wondered how safe it was to be under a tall wooden structure with my dick hangin’ out. I figured to hell with it, a nigga gotta die someday, what be a betta way than gettin’ some ass?

  “Are you ready, baby?” I already knew the answer but I just wanted to hear her say it. I could smell her wetness and feel it hot and slippery on my hand and dick. Michelle never got this fuckin’ wet for me. I didn’t think I could remember any chick gettin’ as wet as Honey did. I didn’t hear an answer, so I tightened my hand in her hair and put my mouth up against Honey’s ear.

  “You want daddy to give you dis dick or not? I ain’ hear you.” I spoke though clenched teeth like I was angry for emphasis. She half moaned, half whispered, “Yes,” and tried to nod, but I had her head held back by her hair. In that second I took a deep breath and drove myself deep into her flesh. My rigid heat seared the folds of her soft warmth and I wrapped the hair at the nape of her neck tighter around my fist. I gently used my tongue to trace a circle right where her shoulder and neck met as I gently began stroking a slow fire in her. I bit down hard on her neck, not hard enough to break the skin but hard enough to bruise her, hard enough to make that shit hurt and would be sore to the touch later.

  It takes a certain kind of person to appreciate pain with pleasure and I almost lost it when she reacted by screamin’ my name and lockin’ her legs tightly around my waist, pullin’ me deeper inside. Her fingernails were diggin’ into my shoulders through my shirt, but I still kept my grip on her hair and used my mouth to lightly suck on the same sensitive area I had just abused as I let her feel the length of me stretchin’ and slidin’ deeper.

  She was so close. I could feel her pulsin’ and throbbin’, squeezin’ me tighter. I wasn’t the one in control anymore, her muscles were milkin’ me, almost forcin’ me to release. I could feel my sac tightenin’ and I knew we had to switch up or I definitely wasn’t gonna be finishin’ this race last. I lifted her small frame up without missin’ a stroke.

  “Hold on to me.”

  “Damn, daddy, wait a ... Oooh fuck ...” Honey was gone; there weren’t any more words after that, at least none I could understand. We’d always been on a couch or had a bed available, so the whole standin’ up shit was new to her. That’s probably what I missed with Michelle. Even though it was good, it’s like there was nothin’ new about it, nothin’ I could teach her and tons of shit she wasn’t interested in learnin’.

  I palmed an ass cheek in each hand and slid Honey’s thick ass up and then back down my pole, slowly at first, until she surprised me by wrappin’ her arms around my neck and pullin’ me tight against her, movin’ in a way I ain’ know she knew how to move. I shifted her weight so that I had one arm holdin’ her around the waist, and I used the other to once again take its position at the back of her neck. I tugged her hair gently, bringin’ her face up from my shoulder.

  “Look at me, baby. Look daddy in the eye when you takin’ this dick.” I looked into Honey’s glazed eyes for a brief moment before kissing her deep, and I felt even more powerful as I drove myself deeper. I ended up kissin’ her moans ‘cause the shit was feelin’ so good to her she couldn’t even kiss me back. I moved my hands back to guidin’ her ass and closed my own eyes for a second.

  My biceps were startin’ to burn and I could feel my neck tightenin’ up, but none of that mattered because the tension buildin’ up let me know I was about to let go so deep inside, I wouldn’t be surprised if she could taste it. I could feel her legs startin’ to shake as they tightened even more around my waist, and as I drove upward I pulled Honey down hard, and was surprised as shit when her whole body shook and she bit down on my shoulder just as hard if not harder than I’d bitten her. I felt her walls clenchin’ around me with the first ripple of her release, and I had no choice but join her and pray my ass ain’ fall over.



  It never failed. Whenever I needed Rasheed the most was when he absolutely refused to answer. There was no way I would have made it in time to pick up Trey from daycare and they charged all kinds of fees if you picked up your kid late. I never called Rah when I was at work, so you would have thought he would realize it must be important and answer. I was so glad Ris was able to go get Trey for me. It had been nearly six hours since I’d called Rasheed and still no word back from him. Sometimes I couldn’t help but feel like I was doing everything all by myself.

  That night at the house party I came face to face with the realization of what Rasheed actually did for a living. It was different when we were younger, before we had Trey and any real responsibilities. But now it just seemed too reckless, too much risk was involved. I did my best to stay at the party and have a good time but Larissa
understood why I needed to leave. I was either going to go and knock on that woman’s door, or wait at Rah’s car until he came back outside. Neither of which would have been safe or smart—if he really was working. People who deal and do drugs are always armed and extremely paranoid. It would have hurt us both if I made a client of his feel like Rah was a bad source to deal with. I felt a little better when I saw the asshole who sped away in the black Beemer return to the house, but I still wanted nothing more than to get out of the area.

  After Rah had come home smelling like weed and cheap incense I eased out of bed and checked his pants pockets. Sure enough there was an envelope with what could have been at least $50,000 inside. Why did he come home with so much cash on him, what if he would have gotten robbed or pulled over? Our rule was that he keep large sums of money in the safe at the club or one of his other establishments. He was getting lazy and it was starting to show. All kinds of questions had started plaguing me concerning Rah’s safety. I knew I could easily be in danger just from being associated with him. I was beginning to worry more and more whenever he was out in the streets.

  I called several more times and still no answer. Trey was staying with Ris for the night so I decided to call and check on him, and secretly hoped talking to Ris would calm my nerves.

  “Well, hello, sunshine. You heard from idiot yet?”

  “No. How’s Trey? Is he asleep, did he eat?”

  “Girl, me an’ my li’l boyfriend are jus’ fine. He’s curled up in my bed knocked out. I suggest you come over an’ hang out with us. We can have one big slumber party.”

  I was touched by her attempt to help cheer me up, but nothing was taking away the anxiety and stress of Rah not answering any of my calls. “I’m good, momma, thank you again. I might go out for a drive or something to clear my head, so call my cell if you need me.” I needed a distraction. I dialed Rah a few more times, sent him a couple of texts, and then gave up for the night. He was where he was, doing whatever he was doing with whoever he was with. Maybe it was time I started to act like he did. I turned off my cell and dropped it in my purse. Grabbing my car keys off the table I walked out of the house. I needed some fresh air.

  It was wrong, but I needed to go see the one person I knew would help make me feel better.


  Into the Lion’s Den

  A nigga was real upset. I was physically drained, wet, and thirty minutes from any close hotels. After we got back in the car Honey’s ass was out cold. No more textin’ whoever. I made sure she had no room or energy to even think ’bout that bullshit. As I drove to a hotel I actually debated on lookin’ at her damn phone but figured it wasn’t even worth it. She ain’t give me a solid reason yet to doubt her, and if I looked it would make me feel like I was actually sweatin’ her a li’l and wasn’t even about to be on no shit like that.

  I pulled my own phone out of the armrest. Eighteen mufuckin’ missed calls and all from Michelle. She even texted me “9-1-1” but then went on to cuss me out and say she ain’t need me in the next four texts followin’, only to end by askin’ if I would bring some cereal ’cause Trey ain’t have anything in the house for breakfast. I shook my head tryin’ to figure out what had her so fuckin’ riled up and looked at the clock. It was still early. I could have Honey checked in and situated by ten-fifteen and still have time to head by the club to make sure erebody was actin’ right before goin’ home to see what the hell had Michelle trippin’.

  I pulled up outside the club and was happy the parkin’ lot was packed. I always had a spot reserved at the front, but Derrick’s ugly-ass Big Bird mobile was in it. He must have figured I was gonna be tied up all night. It was cool, he was my boy; if it been anybody else I’d have had they shit towed to the junkyard or set up at the police station and sold at auction before they knew what the fuck happened. I always kept a change of clothes in my office so I went in through the back. I was lookin’ rough from my li’l excursion with Honey and really ain’t want none of the brothas to see me like this. I had a back door built onto my office. In my line of business you never wanna be trapped with no way out. Not too many niggas eva been in my office to know there even was a door. I had a fake wall that looked like the room ended, but if you walked up to it you would see a thirty-inch gap that served as a small hallway to my door. I didn’t use it often, but when I did best believe I made sure no one was around to see.

  I couldn’t believe the closest spot I could find was so far in the damn back that it took me nearly five minutes to walk to the club. I was tempted to call Derrick and tell him to move his shit, but figured since he’d been lookin’ out I’d leave him be for once. I could hear Ludacris’s “How Low” basing outside the door as I slid my key into the lock. I loved when Diamond danced to that. Shiiiit, that bitch would make her ass jump with the music and I swear ere nigga, even yours truly, would just stare at her, mesmerized. I was glad Honey wasn’t workin’ tonight. I started to feel a renewed tightening in my pants and hoped Ms. Red showed up. She might actually get a full-blown “interview.” I was feelin’ lazy and tired of doin’ all the work. I wanted to be catered to for a change.

  The door quietly opened to my office and I slid into the narrow walkway. God help a nigga, but if I ever got any bigger I would neva be able to use this shit. I started toward my office, but stopped when I heard talkin’ and smelled one of my cognac-preserved cigars bein’ fired up. I held my breath and listened.

  “Nah, baby, I’m not upset. I told you I understand, remember? Give me about thirty minutes and I’ll meet you, okay?” After hearing Derrick’s hushed voice I moved in as usual. He was the only mufucka other than me and the contractors who knew that door was there, and he still jumped like he’d seen a ghost when I stepped in.

  “Wow, nigga, you scared somebody gonna sneak up on you and take that ass or what?” I was all ready for his comeback but Derrick really seemed flustered and jumped off the phone. If I was crazy I would actually say he was more surprised to see me than he shoulda been, but I pushed that thought to the side.

  “What the fuck, you silent ninja now? Creepin’ up on mufuckas when they tryin’a relax or som’n, nigga?” Derrick dapped me up and stepped back. A grin spread across his face and I already knew he saw the wet stain on the front of my khakis from Honey’s downpour earlier.

  “Don’t say nu’n to me, and I won’t ask what broad you was in here on the phone boo-lovin’ wit’, nigga. Shit, you pro‘ly jumped ’cause you was tryin‘a pull ya dick back in ya pants. I betta not find any damn stains up under my fuckin’ desk or it’s war, nigga.”

  Derrick laughed and made his way to the office door. I went into my bathroom, opened my closet, and pulled out some fresh black slacks and a grey and white Dior button-down. I had the bathroom and closet put in ‘round the same time I was messin’ with Dee.

  Damn. There that girl was, runnin’ ’cross my mind again. There were some nights when I would pull her off the roster for the evening and lock her in here with me. I swear we fucked on ere piece of furniture and ere inch of carpet in this bitch! It was to the point where we would have to wait until the A.M. to leave or bear the shame of niggas and hoes watchin’ us walk out, clothes and hair tore the fuck up from the shit we did to each other. That’s when I’d decided a shower would be a pretty good idea. Even when meetin’s ran long or I had a late night, I could always freshen up.

  It didn’t take me long to shower, and I winced when I wiped the mirror to shave and saw my reflection. Times like this made me wish I was a dark mufucka. God blessed me with this silky golden or “light bright” complexion, as Derrick liked to jokingly call it. The last thing I needed when I went home to Michelle was the bright red and purple bite marks on my shoulder. I turned and saw several red lines scratched across my back from Honey’s nails. My baby had a li’l fight in her. I was silently enjoying the thought of other things I might have to try with her while I came up with a reasonable explanation for Michelle.

  I checked my phone: no missed call
s and only one text from Honey that said, “Is daddy comin’ back?” Damn, this girl was insatiable. I’d left her in the hotel damn near sleep before the key hit the door and she woke up ready for round two. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the office door.

  “Enter.” I figured Derrick had sent Annette or one of the other girls to come check on me, so imagine my surprise when I turned and saw li’l Ms. Red with the phat ass from earlier.

  “Hey, big sexy, you asked and here I am.”

  She spoke slowly with a sensual and kinda deep voice that reminded me of Toni Braxton. It automatically made me wonder if I could make it go higher. I didn’t respond. I raised an eyebrow and watched her walk toward me. She wasn’t shy, she wasn’t awkward. Damn, I had to admit this was a drastic difference from Michelle’s familiarity and Honey’s innocence.

  “I guess you already know who I am, and what I do?” I asked every girl this question. A bitch couldn’t fuck with me if she couldn’t understand or accept that I was surrounded by ass and titties nearly all day every day. She narrowed her grey-green eyes and shook her head yes, seductively pullin’ the straps to her dress down her shoulders. I pretended not to pay her any mind, but was in all actuality studyin’ her every move. There was somethin’ ’bout her that seemed familiar. I tried but couldn’t place her face with anyone I’d fucked with or interviewed lately.

  This wasn’t new to me. When you have what I had, you get used to women who are willin’ to do whateva the fuck it takes to get your affection, attention, or in other words, your paper. I knew this bitch was no different than all the others and I wasn’t finished testin’ her yet. I was surrounded by pussy, I sold pussy, I owned pussy, so when it came to stickin’ my dick in it—believe it or not, I did get selective. I walked over to my desk and sat behind it. I always kept a bottle of Remy or Henny for rough nights. I poured myself a glass and watched Ms. Red finish undressing.